
TiVoToGo-alike on the Mac

Well, it finally happened – and hackers did it before TiVo. Mac users can download shows from their TiVo and play them on their Macs. It takes a little more effort, but it’s really not too bad. And, judging by the work already done to make it easier, it’ll only get easier still.

To start, you need the TiVo decode software. This links to your TiVo (you’ll need your media access key) and pulls down the files, and decodes them. It’s one-at-a-time, but in my experience, it was pretty fast.

Then, you need a way to play the file. QuickTime and iTunes won’t do it. VLC will. And it works pretty well also.

We’re definitely wondering if this will last – so if you want these apps, get them while you (easily) can.

WeaKnees News

New Configurator for the DirecTV TiVo Units

As we transition from our almost-depleted stock of new DirecTV R10 TiVo DVRs, we’re starting in on our stock of refurbished units. Largely, these are old customer returns for non-defective reasons (meaning customers didn’t want them). They’ve been tested, and our internal testing is showing them to be rock-solid.

So these units present us a bunch of challenges. Do people want them bare, or with drives? Are they replacing old units that already have a card, or do the customers need access cards? Does the customer have a remote from an older unit?

To make these units work for everyone, we’ve redesigned our DirecTV TiVo page. Now you can choose what you want exactly, and only pay for what you need. So far, customers seem to be extremely happy with the flexibility.

One final note: as our R10 stock depletes, so does our HR10 stock. If you’re looking for an HR10, get one soon! We won’t have them much longer.


Wild Capacity Variations on the TiVo Series3?

If you’re reading the blog, you surely know that at WeaKnees, we’re all about TiVo capacity. So we keep a close eye on the amounts of space in the units that we come across.

Therefore, we were a little surprised to see what was coming through on each new delivery of TiVo Series3 units here.

We expected this, and we got it:


Then we saw some of these:


Then, looking back at the older ones we found these, with stickers:


Peel the sticker back and get this:


(OK – so I’m no Thomas Hawk with the pictures.)

Anyway, despite the crazy numbers, of course these all have the same Western Digital 250 GB drive in them. Not adequate at all, as far as we’re concerned. A Seagate 750 GB drive is a much better choice . . .


Not Exactly News: TiVo Loses Money

You’ve probably seen reports of TiVo’s call yesterday – they lost money again, and expect to lose more. Not too surprising at this point.

A few days before, they reported that they will begin appending commercials to the end of recorded shows, charging the advertisers. So at least they’re focused on getting more revenue in.

They did say that they have increased monthly receipts per customer, and they are increasing the numbers of standalone users (their most profitable), so there are some bright points. But how long can they sustain the losses?

Product Information

Extended Warranties Now Available for Series3 TiVos

I don’t really like the cliche, “by popular demand,” but in all honesty, that’s why we’re offering extended warranties. Our TiVo prices are competitive with (and if you get the coupons, far less than) the big-box retailers, and our service and knowledge is far superior, I’m comfortable saying. Some customers, however, want the security of a longer warranty. Now we’ve got it.

We’re now offering extended warranties on all Series3 units (TCD648250) and all standalone dual-tuner TiVo DVRs (TCD649080), in all capacities. The extended warranties are three-year only at this time, and prices range from $49 to $99, depending on the box purchased.

If you purchased a Series3 TiVo from us on or before November 17th and want an extended warranty, we will honor your request for three months from your purchase date. Just email us for details.