Today we released the TiVo Roamio, TiVo Roamio Plus and TiVo Roamio Pro in two new capacities: One with a single 6TB internal hard drive (the largest internal drive available), and one with 12TB (one 6TB internal, one 6TB external). Our 6TB drives, as always, are designed for digital video recorders running 24/7.
The 6TB models record up to 960 HD hours.
The dual-6TB models record up to 1,930 HD hours.
We have also released self-install hard drive upgrade kits, both 6TB and dual-6TB, for those who already own a TiVo Roamio, Roamio Plus or Roamio Pro and want to upgrade.
Finally, we have released a 6TB external hard drive, which can be added to an existing Roamio, but the external 6TB is not available for self-installation due to software limitations. The price on these kits includes our work here to attach them to your TiVo, and outbound shipping for the assembly.
We can’t help but recognize the elephant in the room: TiVo’s release of the Mega, which has 24TB and redundancy. We hope to add this monster to our lineup when it is available (and yes, of course we’ll try to get this beyond 24TB when the time comes), but considering the Mega has no release date, we think our 6TB and 12TB options are compelling, especially given the pricing.
All new capacities of complete Roamios and kits are shipping immediately.