WeaKnees News

WeaKnees Coupons for HD TiVos

DirecTV has announced that at the end of February, the $200 HD rebate is ending! So for the month of February, we’re offering special additional discounts to get HD TiVos into customers hands before the price goes up.

Coupon for the stock 30 Hour HD TiVo: HD30

Coupon for the 130 Hour HD TiVo: HD100 takes $100 off to bring the after-rebate price to $1399

Coupon for an upgraded HD TiVo: HD50 takes $50 off

Prices (after rebate) for existing DirecTV customers will be increasing on March 1, 2006 due to the end of the rebate according to DirecTV.

WeaKnees News

40 Hour TiVos for $49 (After Rebate) and a New TB Config

We are now selling the stock, 40 hour standalone TiVos for $199. We weren’t selling these for a while since the profit was basically non-existent here (that’s what happens when you offer free shipping). But it seems that so many other vendors are out of these that we fill a need by selling them again. So they’re on the site on the standalone TiVo page and they’re shipping.

We’ve also added a new TwinBreeze bracket configuration. You can now get a basic TwinBreeze for the R10 and HR10-250 models. The “basic” configuration includes the bracket only (with mounting screws) for $18. This excludes the torx tools, fan, and power and IDE cables in the full configuration.

WeaKnees News

New DIRECTV Systems with the REAL TiVo – R10

To add to the confusion between the actual TiVo DVR – the R10 – and the new generic DirecTV DVR – the R15 – we’ve heard from many customers who order new DirecTV systems and get the bait-and-switch. This may not be intentional since TiVo seems to have become a generic term meaning DVR, but many TiVo-loving customers recently have moved to DirecTV to get a TiVo that can record two channels at once, and they’ve found that the unit that gets installed is not, in fact, a TiVo at all. So if you’re ordering a new DirecTV system with the expectation of getting TiVo, be careful.

We’ve stocked up on TiVo DVRs from DirecTV, and we have both standard definition and high definition units available as part of new DirecTV packages (and available outside those for existing subscribers). If you’re looking for a new DirecTV system with TiVo, look no further:

The WeaKnees DIRECTV System Wizard

WeaKnees News


Well, we’ve run out of two models of the older, stock DirecTV TiVo models: the Philips DSR704 and the Hughes SD-DVR120. Interesting that we ran out of stock of both the smallest and largest of the group at the same time. We do have other 40 GB models (the Hughes SD-DVR40 and HDVR2) but no other 120 GB models at the moment, although we may get some Samsung S4120R units at some point.

WeaKnees News

DIRECTV DVRs with TiVo in stock . . . older units

We’ve been accumulating a stock of DIRECTV TiVos in preparation for the discontinuation of the line. We’ve put up a page full of these older TiVos on our site. We’ve got a variety of models.

Some important notes on these units: they don’t require any paperwork for us to ship, unlike the R10s. So if you order one, you can basically put it in your closet and sit on it if you want – you don’t have to activate it within any time frame, or ever. But you probably can’t qualify for the DirecTV rebate if you don’t activate one, at least for a short period.

Next, some of these units are more disposed towards adding features. If you dig around the web, you’ll find lots of features that can be added to DirecTV TiVos. The R10s generally can’t use most of these hacks, but these units can. So if you want a new box to use to experiment, you can find one here.

Finally, we’re really not sure how long we’ll have these. We do have more various units coming, but if you know you want one, best bet is to get it soon. Once they’re gone, we likely won’t be able to find more.
