TiVo News

Update on the Lifetime Transfer Offer from TiVo

If you’re looking to transfer lifetime service from an older unit to a TiVo HD, get moving! The $199 lifetime transfer offer from TiVo expires on November 8, 2007. You don’t need to have your unit by then, but you do need to have the unit ordered by that date in order to make it all happen – then you have a month to do the actual transfer.

We absolutely guarantee that WeaKnees TiVo HD units qualify – all sizes from the stock 20 hour unit to our jumbo 145 hour one. Just be sure to prequalify with TiVo to make sure your older unit is eligible

TiVo News

DirecTV TiVo Software Problems

Many of our customers (and many, many other TiVo users) have been reporting problems with some recent versions of the DirecTV TiVo OS. There are two sets of problems, affecting two types of models currently.

For the standard definition DirecTV TiVos (includes all RCA and Samsung models, and Hughes and Philips models that have USB on the back, and the DirecTV R10): Units with 6.3e have been rebooting. This problem seems to be related to using the “standby” mode on the unit, and is greatly, if not completely, alleviated by not using “standby” anymore. “Standby” is a mode where the TiVo just cuts its video output – it’s not saving any power or turning the unit off in any way. So there’s really no advantage to using “standby” unless you have a TV with only one video input and you need to pass other video through the TiVo.

For the high definition (HD) DirecTV HR10-250: This unit has seen a lot of rebooting in the past few weeks – almost always with OS versions 6.3d and earlier. In this case, 6.3e seems to solve the problems. To make sure you get the latest OS version, you need your phone line plugged into the TiVo so that it can get authorized for the download. Also, experiences are showing that rebooting is generally happening during CBS shows for some reason, likely related to guide data problems. A “clear and delete guide data” will often fix the problem, at least temporarily. But the best answer is to get the latest OS version for the HR10.

TiVo News

New Rebate from TiVo for Humax DVD TiVos and Series2 Dual Tuner DVRs

As we hoped, TiVo has generously extended their rebates into the holiday season. The Humax DVD TiVo and the TiVo Dual Tuner DVR both get new rebates taking us through Christmas.


So now you can continue to get a Humax DVD TiVo for as little as $49 after rebate!

See all current and recent rebates on our TiVo Rebates page.

TiVo News

$199 Series3 Lifetime Service Transfer Lives On

We have received a few calls very recently from customers who have successfully transferred lifetime service from DIRECTV TiVo DVRs to new Series3 units. We do not yet know whether this is a change in policy over at TiVo, but we suspect that, at the very least, supervisors have been empowered with the authority to grant these types of requests.

If you want to try to transfer service, you might want to mention that you are switching from DIRECTV to get a new Series3 and that you really want to stick with TiVo (assuming that is true–we are not advocating anything but the truth).

The customers we have talked to have been in that same situation: They have had older-model DIRECTV TiVos, have been unwilling to accept DIRECTV’s home-grown HD DVR, and have asked TiVo for leniency with respect to the $199 transfer.

HERE’S THE IMPORTANT PART: If you want to try to transfer service, we will accommodate. Simply call us or place your order for a Series3 online. Then tell us in the customer notes that you want to try to transfer lifetime service and that you want us to email your TiVo Service Number in advance. We will then EMAIL it to you (or provide it over the phone) so that you can try to transfer. If you succeed, we will ship. If you fail, we will cancel your order, without any charge. One caveat: If we don’t hear back from you within 2 business days after you order, we will ship.

Good luck!

TiVo News

Daylight Saving Time Announcements

In case you have not heard, this weekend’s early switch to Daylight Saving Time is causing at least a bit of consternation among TiVo-lovers, not to mention IT professionals. It’s hard not to smile when contrasting the magnitude of a missing American Idol with to the doomsday scenarios painted back in the mid-90s.

Anyway, both DIRECTV and TiVo have official pages dedicated to DST and how to ensure that your TiVo’s recordings are not impacted by the change.

TiVo’s page is here.
DIRECTV’s page (which is really just lifted fromTiVo) is here.

Good luck!