The remote that shipped with the new DIRECTV TiVo was certainly a surprise. While it looks and feels like a standard TiVo Peanut Remote, it’s different. It has totally different IR codes (and it has RF!).

Now, up until this point, all TiVo Peanut Remotes basically had overlapping capabilities. They all could share the standard buttons like TiVo, pause, the numbers, channel up/down, etc. And then some had more specific buttons, like the DVD playing buttons the DVD TiVo remotes have, or the ABCD buttons on the TiVo Premiere remotes, or the keyboard on the Slide Remote. But the main buttons just worked with any other TiVo that also came with a Peanut-shaped remote.
The compatibility for any Peanut remote with any other Peanut remote ended with the THR22. The THR22 is just not compatible with any other TiVo remote. So we had to find and source this remote separately, and they’re now in stock – you can order one from our TiVo THR22 accessories page.
But there’s a silver lining here, at least for some. While it’s not compatible with other TiVo DVRs, it is compatible with DIRECTV HD DVRs. So if you’ve got, say, an HR22 and you’ve always fondly remembered the TiVo remote, well, you can use this! IR code wise, it’s basically the same as the white remotes supplied by DIRECTV.