Yet another extension to the end date of lifetime subscriptions! Our TiVo standalone units are still able to get lifetime TiVo service until 4/15/06. You can’t subscribe the units online to get the lifetime service, you have to call TiVo and do it by phone, but you can do it until 4/15/06. Important note here: this doesn’t work for any units purchased bundled with service (which is pretty much the only way you can purchase them directly from TiVo at this point).
A couple of other details: lifetime will continue to be available for Humax units. Apparently, as part of the terms of the agreement between TiVo and Humax, TiVo has to continue to offer lifetime service for these units – again, by phone only.
Next: lifetime hasn’t been an option for the DirecTV TiVo combo units for several years. If you were one of the lucky ones to get it, you’ve got a nice deal because DirecTV now considers that to be a lifetime DVR service on your account, which covers all of the DVRs on your account (which normally costs $6/month at this point).