Product Information Site Change TiVo News WeaKnees News

TiVo DVRs with Lifetime Available

Most TiVo DVRs require a subscription to TiVo to do anything at all – without the subscription, they’d be a boat anchor.

But TiVo does have the Product Lifetime Service option (PLS) which means that you pay once for service for your unit, and that unit gets TiVo service as long as it’s in operation. PLS costs $499 currently, or $399 if you already have a TiVo account.

Since the PLS is tied to the unit and can’t be moved, we’ve have some units here with PLS on them, for considerably less than $499. So if you’re interested in buying a TiVo DVR that won’t incur monthly service fees, see our page of TiVo DVRs with prepaid Lifetime service.

Prices start at $199.

Customer Shipment

Another Well-Packed TiVo

This one was pretty amazing. The box was more than half empty, and yet, the box wasn’t crushed.

When I opened it, I assumed that the “cushioning material” was a big air bubble that had collapsed during shipping, but no, it was the package from the one layer of bubble wrap surrounding the TiVo.




Good thing this didn’t go via USPS – they would have absolutely destroyed it.

WeaKnees News

TiVo Slide Remote – $30 Price Drop

The TiVo Slide Remote is the first and only QWERTY keyboard remote for a TiVo. And it’s great. Beyond the nice compact size, it hides a full keyboard, and it’s Bluetooth, so it doesn’t need line of site.

And now it’s only $59.99.

Buy the TiVo Slide Remote!

Customer Shipment

Dirtiest TiVo Ever?

OK, sure, you can make a TiVo as dirty as you want.

But as far as a working TiVo innocently plucked from it’s installed environment, we’re pretty sure this is the worst we’ve seen.

Amazingly, it seems untouched by any type of airflow whatsoever.

You should have seen the clouds when we blew this one out . . .

Product Information TiVo News

Lifetime TiVo Service for Existing Units

Since the last Product Lifetime Service changes from TiVo a few weeks ago, we’ve received a lot of phone calls and emails about converting over existing units with monthly service to lifetime service.

To recap, TiVo finally allowed for Product Lifetime Service on the TiVo Premiere line of units. While the price is a bit higher than in the past, the price of the hardware is significantly lower, so the total package costs about the same, in the end. You just pay less to us for the unit, and more to TiVo for the service.

But what if you already have a unit, Premiere or otherwise? Are you able to get lifetime service on an already-subscribed plan?

The answer is, yes, you can. The pricing is the same ($499.99 for primary units, and $399.99 with the multi-service discount on other units). To do so, you must fulfill your current service commitment first, if you have one, and then lifetime takes over. So if you subscribed a TiVo Premiere at $19.99 per month with a service commitment of 12 months, you need to pay for the full 12 months, even if you haven’t used them all yet.

If you have no remaining service commitment, you can just change over to lifetime anytime.

We think lifetime service is a great deal – on primary units, it pays for itself in 25 months.