WeaKnees News

TiVo BOLT Price Drop. Now $199.99 (500GB) and $299.99 (1TB)…with a catch.

Prices just dropped on the TiVo BOLT, down $100 to $199.99 for a 500gb and down $100 to $299.99 for a 1TB.

However, the new version of the TiVo BOLT does *not* include a year of TiVo service (valued at $149).

For a limited time, we have both version of the BOLT available, one version of the TiVo BOLT with a year of service, one version of the TiVo BOLT with no service included. Once we run out of the BOLTs with the year of service, we will no longer sell them.

The new version (V2) of the BOLT should ship out later this week; we currently estimate them arriving on or about 5/6.

The *only *difference between BOLT v1 and BOLT v2 is the inclusion (v1) or exclusion (v2) of a year of service.

The upshot: If you plan to pay for All-In pricing ($599), then get V2. Otherwise, get V1 while they last.


WeaKnees News

New TiVo Feature: Bulk Transfer Recordings To your New TiVo!

We received word from TiVo that they have launched a new featured aimed at customer who are upgrading their TiVo. If you have a Series3, Series4 (Premiere), Series5 (Roamio) or Series6 (Bolt), you can now bulk transfer recordings from the old TiVo to the new. No more one-by-one transfers!

The transfer process is done online, so both boxes have to be on your TiVo account and be networked. To access the feature, log in here:
If your old TiVo is a Series3, you can only transfer TO a Series4, Series5 or Series6. Series4, Series5 and Series6 units can bulk transfer back and forth.
Kudos to TiVo for giving the people what they want!
WeaKnees News

Preliminary BOLT Upgrade Report: TiVo BOLT upgraded to 12TB

We received a large shipment of TiVo® BOLT™ DVRs today and in between processing pre-orders, we managed to get a few BOLT upgrade configurations up and running.

As we suggested previously, the BOLT uses 2.5″ laptop hard drives rather than full-sized 3.5″ drives. This severely limits the upgrade path because laptop drives do not currently come in capacities greater than 2TB.

We have booted the BOLT with the following upgrade configurations so far:

2TB internal 2.5″ drive (240HD hours)

6TB “internal” 3.5″ drive (737HD hours): This is really a full-size 6TB connected to the internal sata port. In our test, the drive drive was just hanging outside the box…this was really just a proof of concept, an experiment, to see what worked. Given the way the BOLT is constructed, it is actually possible to connect an “external” drive to the internal port without too much difficulty but it’s not particularly pleasing aesthetically.

6TB “internal” 3.5″ and 6TB 3.5″ external–12TB (1478HD hours): This is the 6TB above together with an external 6TB.

weaKnees upgrades TiVo BOLT to 12TB
weaKnees upgrades TiVo BOLT to 12TB

We fully hope and expect to be offering upgrades soon. Most likely, we will be offering 2TB internal drives as well as BOLT options that include the factory internal plus an external of up to 6TB. We’ll update the Blog when we have info and you can always find the latest TiVo BOLT options on our website.

WeaKnees News

TiVo® releases new 4K DVR: TiVo BOLT™

TiVo announced a new DVR today—the TiVo BOLT. It is designed to replace the base-model TiVo Roamio. The BOLT will record off-air OR cable (but not both) and comes with either a 500gb hard drive ($299.99) or a 1TB hard drive ($399.99). Lifetime service increases to $599.99 and there appears to be no discount for existing TiVo subscribers.


These are the primary benefits of the BOLT over the base-model TiVo Roamio:

  • BOLT is faster
  • BOLT has gigabit Ethernet
  • BOLT supports 4K/UHD (to the extent content is available)
  • BOLT supports faster AC wifi speeds
  • BOLT supports commercial skip (SkipMode) for some shows
  • BOLT includes QuickMode (watch a show in fast-forward mode with minimal audio distortion)
  • BOLT includes one year of annual service

The BOLT uses a small, 2.5” laptop drive, which enables the entire unit to be smaller than the Roamio. The funky shape means that the BOLT will be at the top of your entertainment system stack. In addition, because the BOLT uses a 2.5” drive, upgrading that drive internally is limited. Currently, drive manufacturers are not making 2.5” drives that are larger than 2TB. Thus, once 4K content becomes available and can be recorded (now, most 4K content is streaming and therefore never permanently resides on the hard drive), storage limitations could become a hassle. TiVo only offers 1TB external drives and the DVR Expander from Western Digital lacks a fan and in our opinion is terribly unreliable.

In the near future, we expect to be offering 2TB internal upgrades to the BOLT as well as external storage options.

Despite the features of the new BOLT, there are a handful of downsides…and these may be among the reasons why TiVo is keeping the 6 tuner Roamio alive:

  • As we indicate above, major storage limitations
  • The Plus/Pro have 6 tuners as opposed to 4. This is particularly useful if you have multiple Minis running concurrently.
  • Form factor of the Plus/Pro is more accommodating for high-end entertainment systems
  • QuickMode likely to come to Plus/Pro in the future
  • BOLT lacks out-of-home streaming

Overall, the BOLT is an exciting addition to the TiVo line. The increase in lifetime service fees (and no discount for existing subscribers) is frustrating, and the BOLT lacks some attractive features of the older Plus and Pro, but overall, we’re thrilled to see TiVo continue innovating!

DirecTV WeaKnees News

DIRECTV H44 GenieLite Now In Stock

We are now shipping DIRECTV’s new lower-cost H44 GenieLite. This is, in effect, a Genie (HR44) but without a hard drive built in. External hard drives will be sold separately, but we don’t yet know whether the H44 will accept drives larger than the DIRECTV-branded 1TB.

The main advantages of the H44 are its size and price. It can be mounted behind a TV and out of sight, and it also can be used in conjunction with other clients in other rooms (C31, C41, C41W). The H44, like the HR44, requires a SWM (single-wire multiswitch) setup, either via SWM LNB or a SWM8 or SWM16.

The H44 also has a PI21 built in, so it can power a SWM LNB without a separate power supply. It CANNOT power a SWM8 or SWM16, however. For a SWM8/SWM16 module, a separate PI29 is required. The H44 itself also requires a power supply.

The H44 supports wired and wireless clients, but without a hard drive (or HR2x on the network), it will not work with a GenieGO.

Our initial view is that there is minimal reason (aside from cost and space constraints) to get an H44 over an HR44, especially since (at least for now), DIRECTV will not permit an H44 and an HR44 to be one account. Given the flexibility and versatility of the Genie HR44, we think that is a far superior box and recommend it over the H44 for most users.

H44 Front  and Back