The TiVo Glo remote that ships with the Series3 TiVo is the newest generation of the excellent TiVo peanut-shaped remote. The remote has two new features (and lots of other changes). The features are: backlighting, and learning ability. We are now selling this remote on our TiVo remotes page.
The learning feature has generated a lot of questions. Can it be taught to work my Sony TiVo? (no) Can it be used with my Olevia TV? (no – these have some strange IR usage) It can learn in some ways, but not others.
The learning features only affect these buttons: TV Power, TV Input, Mute, and Power Up/Power Down. Any of those buttons can replay a code that the remote learns from the original remote that shipped with that component. So if you have a brand new, or unusual brand TV, you can teach this remote to use its TV Power button to send the same IR code as the original remote that shipped with the unit (but you do need the original remote to teach the TiVo Glo). The other buttons on the remote are not able to be changed.
One extra piece of info: the TiVo Power button actually can emit three different IR codes. So you can have it turn on your TV, A/V system, and something else (mood lighting maybe?) with the press of one button.