I don’t really like the cliche, “by popular demand,” but in all honesty, that’s why we’re offering extended warranties. Our TiVo prices are competitive with (and if you get the coupons, far less than) the big-box retailers, and our service and knowledge is far superior, I’m comfortable saying. Some customers, however, want the security of a longer warranty. Now we’ve got it.
We’re now offering extended warranties on all Series3 units (TCD648250) and all standalone dual-tuner TiVo DVRs (TCD649080), in all capacities. The extended warranties are three-year only at this time, and prices range from $49 to $99, depending on the box purchased.
If you purchased a Series3 TiVo from us on or before November 17th and want an extended warranty, we will honor your request for three months from your purchase date. Just email us for details.