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weaKnees Drops Prices on all HD TiVos

Effective November 15th, TiVo is dropping prices on the TiVoHD to $249.99 from $299.99, and dropped the TiVoHD XL to $499.99 from $599.99.
Effective immediately, we have dropped prices on all stock and upgraded TiVoHD and TiVoHD XL models. In addition, we are providing a compelling alternative to TiVo’s high-end TiVoHD XL by offering a TiVoHD, upgraded to 1TB with a free HDMI cable for $449 (down from $549).

We also have lowered prices on our TiVoHD XLs with up to 2TB of backup storage. With our backup drives, your TiVo will always have two identical drives with all of your data, so the failure of one drive will not cause you to lose data.

For the latest pricing, visit our HD TiVo page.

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